Quick Start

Get started with the Blockless CLI

The Blockless CLI is a command line tool that makes it simple to use the Blockless Network and manage your apps.

With the Blockless CLI, you can connect to the network with your on-chain identity, quickly set up a local worker environment, and build, test, deploy, and monitor your projects right away.

Install the Blockless CLI

With curl:

sudo sh -c "curl -sSL | bash"

Or with wget:

sudo sh -c "wget <> -v -O; chmod +x; ./; rm -rf"

To install on Windows, go to the releases page (opens in a new tab) on GitHub and download the x86 version of the Blockless CLI. Currently, the Windows ARM64 version is not supported.


To use the BLS CLI, open a terminal and run $ bls followed by the command you want to use. The command structure is as follows:

bls [command] [subcommand]

For example, to connect to the Blockless Network, you can run the $ bls login command:

bls login

Alternatively, you can use the $ bls function init command to initialize a new local project:

bls function init


To see a list of available commands, you can run the $ bls or $ bls help command:

bls help

You can also use the -h or --help flag after any command or subcommand to display usage information. For example:

bls function -h
bls function init -h

Top level commands

The Blockless CLI provides a range of commands for managing your account, local components, and projects. For detailed reference, please visit the Blockless CLI Reference (opens in a new tab).

Below is a list of commonly used commands:

  • bls help: Displays information and usage instructions for the Blockless CLI and its available subcommands.
  • bls console: Opens the Blockless console, a web-based interface for managing your deployments and projects on the Blockless Network.
  • bls login: Authenticates and logs in to the Blockless Network using your wallet keypair.
  • bls whoami: Shows information about your current identity on the Blockless Network, including your public key.
  • bls components: Manages your local environment components, including the local worker agent and orchestrator agent. Note: If this is your first time building and testing your function, you need to use the $ bls components install command to install the local runtime components (which include the Blockless WASM Runtime Environment and the b7s networking module).
  • bls function: Build, test, and manage your projects and functions.

Glboal flags

Other than the help (-h or --help) global flag, there are two more flags that you can use globally.

-yes flag

You can use -y or --yes flag to set all options to the default value. For example:

bls function deploy -y

-version flag

  • v or -version flag can be used to verify the current version of the Blockless CLI:
bls -v
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